MUMS Fun Run Success

MUMS Fun Run Success

Our Color Fun Ruwas absolutely incredible last weekend. We had wonderful weather, an incredible turn out and really positive energy. A huge shout out to everyone listed below and everyone who came out to share in this fundraiser and community wide event.


BIG Color Fun Run thank yous to...

  • Amy Carey for the super fun game of whipped cream catch
  • Ethan Murphy, Kylie Wolgamott and Erik Koskinen for their incredible photography
  • MUHS Volleyball team for face painting
  • Middlebury College baseball team for so enthusiastically dousing runners with blue
  • Karrie Sinks for tons of bubble-y fun
  • Amy Collier & Kara Doner for warming up the happy crowd with Jazzercize
  • Emerson Blair and friends for a super successful bake sale
  • Andrew Ritter for keeping everyone on track as Emcee
  • DOZENS of amazing volunteers who threw color, passed out t-shirts, brought snacks and really made such a joyful event happen.
  • Dustin Hunt, our awesome Dean of Culture and climate who coordinated efforts at MUMS
  • The MUMS custodial crew for helping us get everything organized before and after the event
  • Pam Stearns for all of the ordering and organizing at school
  • The staff who came to the event and supported students the day of the event
  • The staff who supported the fund raising efforts throughout the lead up to the event
  • So many wonderful folks who donated funds to support MUMS!

This incredibly positive event celebrating friendship and our wonderful community wouldn't have happened without you all!

Final Results from this Fundraiser by Grade are below after a flurry of cash donations around the day of the event.

1st place =8th Grade

2nd place =6th Grade

3rd place =7th Grade


Final Fundraising Total: Roughly $6800.00

Please use this link to view the slideshow of amazing photos of the event

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